Tuesday 3 April 2012

Japan Travels

After leaving Evergreen and Hakuba on the 20th March, for the last two weeks me and some of my friends from Evergreen have been travelling around Japan. Here are some photos and the route of our travels.

So to start our trip we left Hakuba by train and headed for Osaka:

We borrowed bikes from our hostel on the first day to explore the town

Found an amazing market area which had lots of stalls and shrines and even a pond with lots of turtles!

Osaka Aquarium

Osaka at night

Alan and little fella at a shrine on the walk up to Koyasan



Monks at Koyasan

Koyasan bridge

Graveyard at Koyasan

 So after a couple of nights in Osaka, we headed west to Hiroshima, the location of the first atomic bomb attack during the 2nd world war. We also visited the nearby island of Miyajima.
Floating gateon the shores of Miyajima Island

Em and Helen


Temple gardens on Miyajima

Temple gardens on Miyajima

Residents of Miyajima

Walk up to the peak on Miyajima

View from the top

Emma the "animal lover" has a guest for her picnic

Em trying to out smart the deer.

Back in Hiroshima now, we visited the central site of the A-Bomb attach. This flame continues to burn until all of the nuclear weapons on Earth have been detroyed

A-Dome. Relicts of a building from the attack.
I have some more photos to add from our visit to Kyoto, Fuji and Ito....coming soon.