Monday 5 December 2011

Japan: the first 24 hours

Well I made it to Japan with my 70kg of luggage! Was pretty jet-lagged but had an great transfer ride from Tokyo to Hakuba with beautiful sunny weather and great scenery. Met nearlly all of the friendly Evergreen staff and had a trip to the supermarket; wasn't too sure what most of the food was but it all looked interesting! There is no snow here at the ski school base yet but hopefully some is on the way. We started our staff training today, which lasts a week but we have a couple of parties planned too :).....and some photos of course....

Most amazing toilet ever. So many buttons!

A bit of Tokyo with Mt. Fuji

No snow yet! Hopefully soon!

Ski school office

Possibly the best room in Hakuba ;)

My Japanese style room :)


  1. WOW?
    How was the high tech toilett experience?
    Your Chewbacca are waiting for you here at the skischool. I think I need to feed them...? or?

  2. Neta! Yes, I spend a long time on the toilet....pushing the buttons! My favourite button is the button which makes a noise of the toilet flushing!
    Ahhh my chewy boots. They are probably hungry! But they are vegetarian so meat please ;)
    Whats happening over in Beito? Hope you all well!
