Monday 12 December 2011

First taste of Japanese powder!

Today was the opening of Happo One's ski area. In the morning all the Evergreen Instructors headed up to the top of the mountain for our first ski/board of the season.

Bubble up to the snow!

The skiing girls

Roomies on the chair

Team photo

"I'm definitely the best skiier on the mountain"
 And when we came back for our lunch, we randomly met a Tokyo radio station (Nak) who recorded all of us saying Watashiwo hakuba ni tsuretette (meaning "take me to Hakuba") in mainly terrible Japanese accents! Maybe we'll be aired on Tokyo radio? Or maybe not!

Radio Nak

Amanda boarding

The cloud cleared for maybe 10 mins in the afternoon so we could see mountains and actually where we were going!




  1. Love your uniforms. Hagløfs is a swedish brand you know ;)

  2. I know! We had to do a scavenger hunt on our training and one of the questions was "where do Haglofs come from" and there is a shop in Town which basically just sells Haglofs and Kask...its like a mini Sweden in Japan :)
