Saturday 10 December 2011

In and around Hakuba and Happo One

View from Happo One looking east

Hakuba 47

Temple in Happo One

Vege feast at EOC staff outing in Hakuba

Kate, Emma, Helen and Sam out for dinner in Hakuba

Master Braster in Echoland


Cute skiing buddah


  1. Ok th Chewies are fed and happy!
    Today the lift opend and we are realy busy with arrangements. Trinn 1 starts on monday and the new rep ( Martin) arrives to morrow.
    We are looking forward to start up for real with a lot of people =)
    Got the new uniform from HellyHansen and It looks good.=)

    Miss you and enjoy Japan as much as you can =)

  2. Ahh Neta, thanks for feeding the chewies :) So its getting busy over there then? That's great. Do you have many people doing Trinn 1? Hope the start of your season goes well. We are just waiting for a little more snow before everything opens here. I miss you guys over there :( but loving it here too. Please say good luck to Martin from me and tell him he can ask me any questions (through you) if he needs! x
